Founded by Arizona-based philanthropists Doug Fougnies and Larry Day in 2013, the Arizona Education & Scholarship Opportunity Program
(AESOP) exists to provide Arizona families with expanded education opportunities for their students.
AESOP is proud to announce that in school year 2022-23, it awarded $1,773,156 (49%) of A.R.S. §43-1501 (the "Corporate Low Income" program) scholarship dollars to students with household income less than 185% of the federal poverty line, and $1,866,233 (51%) of those dollars to students with household income between 185% and 342.25% of the federal poverty line. Additionally, AESOP awarded $11,750 (18%) of A.R.S. §43-1601 (the "Individual Original/Switcher" programs) Original scholarship dollars to students with household income less than 185% of the federal poverty line, and $54,950 (82%) of those dollars to students with household income between 185% and 342.25% of the federal poverty line. Finally, AESOP awarded $0 Switcher scholarship dollars to students with household income less than 185% of the federal poverty line and $6,641 (100%) of those dollars to students with household income between 185% and 342.25% of the federal poverty line.